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Submitting Batch Jobs


Elja uses SLURM as the batch scheduler and resource manager. Basic common commands are summarized below.

sbatchsubmit a batch job script
srunrun a parallel job
squeue (-a, -u $USER)show queue status
sinfoview info about nodes and partitions
scancel JOBIDcancel a job


The Cluster provides the Slurm Fairshare Algortihm. It organizes which job in the slurm queue should run next, based of a fairshare factor between jobs, by using a floating point value between 0.0 and 1 that is calculated by an equation.

This equation takes in account many factors like the number of nodes requested, More details about this equation can be found here and more information about Fairshare can be found on the slurm official website here and here.

Job Array

There can occur an incident where a user requests many slurm jobs that are essentially running the same process wiht different parameters. This can cause many nodes being occupied and halt other users from gaining access to the now occupied nodes. What Job Array offers is it submits and manages a collection of similar jobs. These jobs can be submitted very fast. The only requirement for these jobs is that they have to have the same options before running.

To implement this add this line #SBATCH --array=... #example --array=1-5 to the sbatch script and then also add to the sbatch script $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID as a parameter to the program you want to run, like so:

mpirun python $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID

On how to create an batch submit script you can find that in this chapter.

Batch jobs

The command sbatch is used to submit jobs to the SLURM queue

[..]$ sbatch submit_script

A batch submit script usually starts like this

#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH --mail-user=<Your E-mail> # for example
#SBATCH --partition=48cpu_192mem # request node from a specific partition
#SBATCH --nodes=2 # number of nodes
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=48 # 48 cores per node (96 in total)
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=3900 # MB RAM per cpu core
#SBATCH --time=0-04:00:00 # run for 4 hours maximum (DD-HH:MM:SS)
#SBATCH --hint=nomultithread # Suppress multithread
#SBATCH --output=slurm_job_output.log
#SBATCH --error=slurm_job_errors.log # Logs if job crashes

. ~/.program_env_bash

mpirun python

Here two nodes from the 48mem_192mem partition is requested, using 48 processors per node for a total of 96 processors. The memory per cpu-core is set to 3900MB RAM. See the Partitions & Hardware for details on the available partitions.

When the SLURM scheduler has allocated the resources the subsequent lines are executed in order. First a program environment bash is loaded (see Program Environment), and an mpirun instance of a Python script is executed.

Hyper-threading of the intel based CPUs is on by default, hence it is is highly recommended to suppress it in your submit (or .bashrc) script (unless your software supports and is correctly compiled with openmp).

For .basrhc


After submitting a job you can view the current status and jobids' like this

[..]$ squeue -u $USER
11729 48cpu_192 Interact <uname> R 2:10 1 compute-17

You can cancel a job using the JOBID number. In this example

[..]$ scancel 11729

IF your job requires a lot of input data, or if it generates a lot of output it is advisable to make use of the /scratch/ disk available on the compute nodes. See the next section.