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TensorFlow with GPU support (TF2-gpu) is available for use on Elja. Read more about TensorFlow on the official website.

Getting started

TF2-gpu is packaged in a conda environment. In order to use the conda environment please follow the One time setup instructions provided here. Once your conda setup is complete you can load in the TF2-gpu environment like this

[..]$ module use /hpcapps/libbio-gpu/modules/all/
[..]$ ml load tf2-gpu
[..]$ conda activate /hpcapps/conda_env/TF2-gpu/2.4.1

Example submit script

It is require to run TF2-gpu on the GPU nodes. A sample SBATCH test script is provided below. In order to run the test you first need to clone this repository.

[..]$ cd $HOME
[..]$ git clone
[..]$ cd slurm_mnist

Copy the flollowing SBATCH script into the slurm_mnist directory

[..]$ cat submit.slurm
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH --mail-user=<MAIL> # for example
#SBATCH --nodes=1 # number of nodes
#SBATCH --partition=gpu-1xA100
#SBATCH --time=1-00:00:00 # run for 1 day maximum
#SBATCH --output=slurm_job_output.log
#SBATCH --error=slurm_job_errors.log # Logs if job crashes

module use /hpcapps/libbio-gpu/modules/all
module load tf2-gpu
conda activate /hpcapps/conda_env/TF2-gpu/2.4.1


# Create a user scratch directory on the compute node
if [ ! -d $scratchlocation/$USER ]; then
mkdir -p $scratchlocation/$USER

# Create a temporary directory
tdir=$(mktemp -d $scratchlocation/$USER/$SLURM_JOB_ID-XXXX)

# Go to the temporary directory
cd $tdir

# Exit if tdir does not exist
if [ ! -d $tdir ]; then
echo "Temporary scratch directory does not exist ..."
echo "Something is wrong, contact support."

# Copy the necessary run file
cp $SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR/ $tdir/

# If the program needs more input files you can add a separate line for each file.

# If your job requires a directory of input/data files
# cp -r $SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR/myinputdir $tdir/

# Now the run the job from the temporary directory e.g.

# Copy the output (if any) to your submit directory.
cp $tdir/* $SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR/

# If the program produces many output files you can add a separate line for each file.
# Please try to only copy the files that you need.

# IMPORTANT. Delete the temporary directory and all of its content
rm -rf $tdir

Now submit the job

[..]$ sbatch submit.slurm

Interactive run

For this test case make sure you have cloned this repository (see the section above).

Start an interactive session on a GPU node.

[..]$ srun --job-name "TF2-gpu" --partition gpu-1xA100 --time 1-00:00:00 --pty bash

Load in the modules and activate the TF2-gpu environment

[..]$ module use /hpcapps/libbio-gpu/modules/all/
[..]$ ml load tf2-gpu
[..]$ conda activate /hpcapps/conda_env/TF2-gpu/2.4.1

Navigate into the slurm_mnist directory

[..]$ cd $HOME/slurm_mnist

Run the test script

[..]$ python